Pozor, pozor!
Tento týden máme zavřeno, a to jak v pátek 20.června tak i v sobotu 21. června.
Prodáváme totiž na Geetaconu! (^__^)
A krom spousty krásného zboží máme připravený i bohatý program pro všechny, co mají rádi lolita módu.
Attention please!
This week we are closed, both Friday 10th June and Saturday 21th June.
Because we are selling on Geetacon! (^__^)
We have a lot of beautiful goods for sale, and we also have an interesting program for everyone, who loves lolita fashion.
Please come and see~ ♥
This week we are closed, both Friday 10th June and Saturday 21th June.
Because we are selling on Geetacon! (^__^)
We have a lot of beautiful goods for sale, and we also have an interesting program for everyone, who loves lolita fashion.
Please come and see~ ♥