V butiku Porcelain Doll naleznete též ručně malované sukně a šaty od české značky Classy Lady.
In Porcelain Doll shop you can also find hand painted dresses and skirts by czech indie brand Classy Lady.
In Porcelain Doll shop you can also find hand painted dresses and skirts by czech indie brand Classy Lady.
A dnes se podíváme do dílny Classy Lady na to, jak jedny takové šaty vznikaly! Texty s fotografiemi v detailu článku.
And today we will look into atelier of Classy Lady to see how one such dress was made! Texts and photos under the cut.
And today we will look into atelier of Classy Lady to see how one such dress was made! Texts and photos under the cut.