Porcelain Doll is a little czech indie brand, which makes clothes in Elegant gothic and Lolita styles. Skirts, petticoats, bags, hair accessories, chokers and other jewelry... you can all this find in its supply. The designer, Pierrette, is also the owner of lolita shop in Olomouc. That's why many goods in the store are from this brand.
Porcelain Doll vznikla v roce 2007, v době, kdy byla lolita móda pro české dívky těžko sehnatelná. Zpočátku to byla malinká značka šijící pár sukní do roka, časem se však rozrůstala spolu s komunitou.
Přednášky o japonské módě, čajové dýchánky, fotografické soutěže... tvorba Porcelain Doll nikdy nebyla jen o oblečení, ale oblečení bylo spíše mostem do světa pohádek.
Přednášky o japonské módě, čajové dýchánky, fotografické soutěže... tvorba Porcelain Doll nikdy nebyla jen o oblečení, ale oblečení bylo spíše mostem do světa pohádek.
Porcelain Doll was founded in 2007, in year when lolita fashion in the Czech republic was hard to find.
At first it was a little indie brand which made only few skirts per year, but as time went, it grew bigger with czech community. Presentations about japanese fashion, tea parties, photo contests... the creation of Porcelain Doll was never only about clothes, but the clothing was more a like a bridge into a fairy-tale world.
At first it was a little indie brand which made only few skirts per year, but as time went, it grew bigger with czech community. Presentations about japanese fashion, tea parties, photo contests... the creation of Porcelain Doll was never only about clothes, but the clothing was more a like a bridge into a fairy-tale world.
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