In the beginning of March Victorian Catherine held a presentation about habits and life in 19th century in victorian England. Here you can look at short foto report from this event.
Foto: Kristýna Hoďáková
Spousta fotek v detailu článku. / Many photos under the cut.
Victorian Catherine předvádí kousky ze své dílny - slaměné kloboučky i paraplíčka, vše lze objednat na jejím webu.
Victorian Catherine showing items she makes - straw hats and parasols, which you can buy at here website.
On the event was more than 20 visitors, many of them beautifully dressed.
Během přednášky se jedna z přednášejících i přeslékala - pro ukázku rozličných šatů.
During the presentation one of the girls dressed up to show different dresses.
During the presentation one of the girls dressed up to show different dresses.
Během přestávky byla možnost nechat si načesat krásný účes od Catherine.
During the break you could have done a beautiful hairstyle by Catherine.
During the break you could have done a beautiful hairstyle by Catherine.
Victorian Catherine své přednášky o viktoriánské době dělá několikrát do roka, v různých městech v ČR. Pokud budete mít možnost se na nějakou podívat, jistě neváhejte, je to velmi zajímavé!
Victorian Catherine makes the presentations about victorian era few times during year, in different czech cities. If you can visit some, don't hesitate, it's very interesting!
Victorian Catherine makes the presentations about victorian era few times during year, in different czech cities. If you can visit some, don't hesitate, it's very interesting!
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