Rabbit Heart is an indie brand of lady Ophelia, a czech lolita who currently lives in Germany. She mostly makes skirts, but not only in lolita style. Her work consists of many different styles - sweet pastel coloured ones as well as the dark ones. Check her e-shop, she ships worldwide with free shipping (^_-)
Ophelia není jen zručnou švadlenkou, ale též šikovnou umělkyní. Její kresby můžete vídat na potiscích sukní či tašek.
V naší olomoucké prodejně najdete lolita sukně z její dílny, a také poličku s doplňky.
Ophelia is not only a good seamstress, but also an artist. You can see her drawings on skirts and totebags.
In our shop in Olomouc you can find lolita skirts made by her, and also box of accessories.
In our shop in Olomouc you can find lolita skirts made by her, and also box of accessories.
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