Victorian Catherine is czech indie brand which makes clothes from victorian era. She makes replicas of old historical clothes and accessories, as well as new original designs. Dresses, jewellery, hats... she also does custom made clothes, so if you want to own a precise replica of a dress from 19th century, don't hesitate to write her. She is often seen in cities Prague and Ostrava (Czech republic).
Pro Catherine však móda není jen oblečením, nýbrž i životním stylem. Během roku se s ní můžete setkat na mnoha akcích, jež pořádá - přednášky o viktoriánské éře či letní pikniky s milovníky této módy.
V Olomoucké prodejně najdete nejrůznější šperky a doplňky této značky. Náhrdelníky, ozdobné jehlice, spony do vlasů... také i větší doplňky jako límce, rukávníky, tašky.
V Olomoucké prodejně najdete nejrůznější šperky a doplňky této značky. Náhrdelníky, ozdobné jehlice, spony do vlasů... také i větší doplňky jako límce, rukávníky, tašky.
For Catherine the fashion is not only about clothes, but it's also a lifestyle. During the year you can meet her at many occasions - she makes presentations about victorian era or summer picnics for people who enjoy this fashion as well.
In our shop in Olomouc you can find many jewellery and accessories from her. Necklaces, decorated pins, hair clips... and also a bigger accessories like collar, winter muff or bags.
In our shop in Olomouc you can find many jewellery and accessories from her. Necklaces, decorated pins, hair clips... and also a bigger accessories like collar, winter muff or bags.
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