ve dnech 28.7.-5.8. odjíždím na dovolenou a nebudu mít přístup k Internetu.
Butik v Olomouci bude ve čtvrtek 30.7. i v pátek 31.7. otevřen, tentokráte jsem našla záskok, jež mne zastoupí.
E-shop zůstane také v provozu, avšak balíčky budou odeslány až ve čtvrtek 6.8. Na veškeré e-maily a zprávy budu schopna odpovědět také až kolem tohoto data.
S pozdravem,
Porcelain Doll Pierrette
Dear customers,
28th July to 5th August I am abroad on vacation and I will not have access to the Internet.
The boutique in Olomouc will be open, both 30th July and 31th July. This time I found a friend who will be there instead of me.
E-shop will stay open too, but all packages will be shipped on Thursday 6th August. I can respond to all e-mails and messages around this date, too.
In the second half of August we will have a pop-up shop at Natsucon (Prague, Czech republic). I can make a custom lolita clothes for you, and hand it over at Natsucon. (^_-)
Yours sincerely,
Porcelain Doll Pierrette
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